miércoles, 9 de diciembre de 2015

Second semester reflections.

My semester is not finish yet, and Im so tired, I want to finish now, but on the other hand, I need more time to finish my works and pass my subjects.
I dont have many subjects, only four, but this subjects are the final four, like a last gym in pokemon stadium.
I think, this semester is one of the most hard to me, because is the last semester (I suppose) and I had go back to the university, later than almost two semester making practically nothing ralated with formal studies. As well I  take  a new central workshop, totally different in relation with the other, so all is more complicated compared to others semesters at least in the academic way. although, in others aspect of my life, the last time has been very useful for learn and reflect about important life things and that have influence my art work. that make me so happy.
also this semester I meet some interesting and fantastic people.

 other thig I like to say is: last nigth I found a little kitty, and I cant have more cats, because ricarda gatita is very grupmpy, so if one of you want this adorable kitty .....please. :)

1 comentario:

  1. Well, yes, it's been a hard semester, but everything you learn is helpful.

    Two weeks and it'll be over. Hang on!

